“Fly Bluebird Fly”

After procrastinating in many ways, I was able to capture a great image of my original acrylic, “Fly Bluebird Fly”. I was able to lovingly place this painting in the warm sunshine on a February day and snap a high quality image. As I lined up the camera I was taken back to the weekend that it was rendered during a few stormy days in 2022. 

I painted this Eastern Bluebird with a broken heart during the summer of 2022. I have to admit that it’s my favorite bird above the Florida state line. They’re extraordinarily vibrant and have a beautiful, twittering song as they flit about the forest.

I arrived at our West Virginia cabin one Friday afternoon after a week away only to find a beloved Eastern Bluebird, long deceased, inside the house. I was overwhelmed with sadness. The very next weekend, the same thing happened. We had no answers as to why these elusive birds would be inside the house. They are territorial and typically do not stray from their home turf.

Admittedly, I had tried to entice them over to our “neck of the woods” by mixing their favorite food in the bird feeder.

As I held each of their limp bodies in my hands preparing to bury them, I found that the feathers reflect light with every movement. Essentially, scattering all colors, only allowing the color blue to reach our eyes. The original acrylic painting uses iridescent blue as it’s the only color that even comes close to the vibrancy of the bird’s feathers.

I hope this reflects in the printed version. The print is displayed on poster-paper but can be converted to canvas or quality gallery paper. It can also be framed. 

If you are interested in a print of this painting, use the contact form below and we can work together on the perfect size and style of print that you wish.

“Fly Bluebird Fly” by Tobi D. ©

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